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Selectmen's Minutes - October 2, 1990
October 2, 1990    Present:  William P. Dynan, Chairman
                            Mark A. Vess
                            Judith A. Murdoch
                            Pamela A. Fasci
                            Robert M. Crowley

After testimony heard regarding dog, Jake, owned by Keith Crowley, Gorwin Drive, Hanson, which allegedly attacked and killed a dog owned by Pinnini family the following action was pursued (tape on file).

Mr. Vess moved that the Board of Selectmen order the dog (named Jake, owned by Crowley) to be confined to a chain link kennel, wire top and bottom as well as a padlocked door, the dog is to be taken in and out of the kennel on a leash daily, in addition should the dog be picked up, it may be ordered out of Town or destroyed.  The dog is to be impounded at the Hanson Dog Pound (impounding will cost $5.00 a day) until such time as the kennel is constructed.  In addition to that all fines are to be paid - $25.00 for failure to comply with previous Selectmen's order to confine the animal.  2nd Fasci.  This was clarified that if the dog is found off the property again, it will not be returned to the Crowleys. The motion was amended that the Dog Officer is to immediately impound the dog, and if it is going out of Town, the Crowleys and the Uncle can meet the Dog Officer at the Pound and receive the dog.  2nd still stands by Mrs. Fasci.  Board voted 5-0.

Mr. Crowley asked if the dog is sent to Uncle's house, could he forget the fines.  Reply, no, fine is $25.00.  Mr. Crowley said dog will be in Plymouth.  The dog officer was told to meet the Crowley's at their home to take the animal to the pound within a half hour.  If the dog is to go to Plymouth, the Selectmen have no jurisdiction over this animal.  Mr. Crowley could see no reason to impound the dog if it were going to Plymouth and he should not pay the fines for this.  Dog Officer said because owners were wrong, and this way the Uncle could be met.  Ms. Budd will collect the dog tonight, and when told what time, will meet the owners and the Uncle at the pound to release it.  Hearing adjourned.

Exec. session requested by Mr. Nugent will be addressed at conclusion of the meeting.

Hearing set for dog complaint for dog owned by Chapman, W. Washington St.  October 16, 1990 at 8:30 P.M.  Numerous complaints received and previous letters sent.

Noted Town Counsel had reviewed the articles for the October Sp. T. M. on October 22.  Article 5 should include the words raise and appropriate in case there is free cash which can be utilized in any line.  Mrs.  Fasci moved that this be done.  2nd Vess.  Mrs. Murdoch does not like this presumption and would not like the term raise.  This motion was amended to reflect this and just use appropriate from free cash.  Voted 5-0 to insert or transfer from free cash into this article, after Town Counsel has reviewed.  Noted there will be a figure on free cash by Town Meeting.

Board restated that it would not call another override as the Town must set its tax rate.  Most departments were underfunded at the Town Meeting.  Looking at all lines to see if there are funds unused that can be utilized.  38,000 underfunded in Fire Dept.  Attempted to explain that cannot immediately lay off people under certain labor contracts.  That police and fire are still under their previous levels.   

Lengthy discussion held regarding overrides and finances in the Town.

Mrs. McCormack passed offering statement for bond issues to the Board and explained contents.  She noted that as soon as checks come in, she tries to get them out.  Paychecks are dispersed at 4:30 on Thursdays.  Collected 50% of outstanding water rates - $74,000+, real estate taxes carry a higher delinquency rate than normal, these will be published for tax takings.  Payment plans are available.  $195,000 outstanding in real estate.  Procedures were explained for tax takings.  

Anne Budd, Dog Officer, reported that dog from prior hearing is not in custody.  

Discussed manning with Chief Huska.  Limit of call back and problems with this discussed.  Chief stressed would have to formulate plan and sit down and negotiate as this is change of working conditions.  Mr. Crowley asked for elaboration on maintenance on vehicles that has been done in last 3 months, brakes on back up ambulance, brakes on forest fire truck, need body work on truck, put exhaust system on cruiser, had cruiser painted.  Was done because paint cracked, were getting rusting problem and had to strip car.  '86 vehicle was 2 yrs. old when happened.  It was asked about light bar, old one has incandescent lighting will go on ladder truck, new bar has strobe lites - 800.00 for bar, 500.00 for paint.  Chief explained certification process for Firefighter Level 1 program.  Contractural training is starting this month, this is done on firefighters initiative.  Report card is submitted and funds reimbursed.  Chief listed those towns which have back up ambulances.  Can get our ambulance quicker to scenes than by mutual aid.  Asked how many runs actually transport to hospitals.  Can dig out info.  Mrs. Fasci not allowed to view the log (privacy of medical info).

Letter has been sent to Union to sit down and negotiate.  Manning is felt to be a management right and Chief should come up with program.  Chief would like to spend an hour to discuss these concerns.  Mrs. Murdoch would like plan of limiting of call back which is felt is within the management rights brought in next Tuesday.  8:30 schedule for 10/7.

Mrs. Fasci noted EMT 1 negotiations have begun with herself and Mr. Crowley.

REceived notification from Conservation Commission requesting Tom McSweeney be appointed as a full member to the Commission.  After discussion, Mr. McSweeney appointed to the Commission to fill the unexpired term.  Voted 3-1(Crowley)-1(not voting, Fasci) on motion by Vess, 2nd by Murdoch.  Noted Dianne McStravick and Robert Bousquette are Assistants to the Commission.

Bussing Committee wishes permission to put signs around Town re bussing override.  Mr. Dynan asked if pro or con.  Mrs. Fasci responded that only to remind people of voting and time.  Mrs. Fasci moved that permission be granted to put signs around Town reminding people of override and time in regard to bussing being held on Oct. 20.  2nd Vess.  Mrs. Murdoch asked why ask for permission, if not pro or con.  Public property is allowed for announcement signs, support signs can go in yards.  

Mrs. VanSteensel asked if article submitted by 600 signatures to Board, would it have been accepted.  Answer yes.  She thought proper procedure would have been to School Committee.  Lengthy discussion.  Mr. Dynan responded that in Article 5, any line can be amended.  Must set tax rate.

Water Dept. will meet next week with the Board.

Discussion continued with school people regarding the refusal of the Board to include the article submitted by the School Department.  Explained again that the School Dept. can allocate funds to their line through the Article 5, that they do not need an individual article.  

Board voted unanimously to allow School Committee to sell 1971 vehicle for $1.00.

Board voted to set hearing for October 16, 1990 for Class II vehicle transfer license at 8:45 P.M.

So. Shore Regional School District has asked the Board to pass over the option of putting on a Town Meeting a vote to allow 300,000 in funds for school in Hanover.  One of 6 communities, and probably the only one to hold a Town Meeting.  

Mrs. FAsci moved to open the warrant to insert the article for the So. Shore Vo-Tech. to borrow 300,000, to close the warrant and have the Exec. Sec. have Mr. Joyce come in next week to explain.  2nd Vess.  Voted 5-0.  Fin. Com. will be invited to hear explanation.

MMA has asked Selectmen to support question 5 on the November election which allocates 40% of State revenues to cities and towns.  Mrs. Fasci moved to support.  2nd Crowley.  Voted 3-1-1.  Mr. Kenney noted this question repeals Ch., 70 aid.  Mr. Crowly understands that this question lumps all aid into one amount.

Received resignation from William Crocker from the Cable T.V. Committee.  Board will send letter of appreciation.
Mrs. Fasci moved to accept, 2nd Vess.  

Atty. General contacting Town Counsel re interpretation of deed to Thomas Hall, clause re continuing use as a library.  Mr. Nugent would like designee to meet with Atty. General to explain history and what has taken place with the building.  Also legal action which may have to be taken to lift restriction.  Mrs. Murdoch moved that Board designate Exec. Secretary to speal with Atty. General's office to clarify this matter.  Noted this was brought by the Dahlbergs.  Mr. Vess would volunteer his services as it oculd be Exec. Secretary or Selectman.  

Mr. Nugent would request exec. session regarding charges leveled against himself, under article 2.  

Returned to public session and voted 4-1 to remove Mark Vess as Vice Chairman and to elect Judith M. Murdoch as Vice Chairman for the remainder of the year.

William P. Dynan, Chairman & Clerk